Xishuangbanna Vocational & Technical College
Admission Application Form
Tel:+86-691-2135069 Fax:+86-691-2135096 E-mail: xsbnzyjsxy@163.com
姓名 Name |
中文 Chinese Name |
照 片 Photo |
英文 English Name |
姓/Family Name: 名/Given Name: |
性别 Gender |
国籍 Citizenship |
出生日期 Date of Birth |
年/Y 月/M 日/D |
出生地点 Place of Birth |
护照 Passport |
号码 Number |
发照机关 Passport Agency |
有效期限 Valid from 年/Y 月/M 日/ D to年/Y 月/M 日/D |
最后学历/Previous education |
婚姻状况 Marital Status |
职业 Occupation |
现在工作/学习单位及地址 Current Employer and the Address |
海外通讯地址 Postal Address in Home Country |
海外联系电话 Contact tel. in Home Country |
传真 Fax: |
电子信箱 |
在华事务担保人和电话 Guarantor and his/her tel. in China |
发生紧急情况可联系的人及其电话 Contact person and his/her phone in case of emergency |
申请学习时间/Intended duration of stay at Yunnan University 从/From 年/year 月/month 日/date 到/to 年/year 月/month 日/date 报考志愿(Courses applied for):志愿专业名称(Title of the courses applied for) 第1志愿: (The first preferred course) 第2志愿: (The second preferred course) 第3志愿: (The third preferredcourse) |
现有汉语水平/Present level of mandarin。Check the appropriate box to indicate the number of Chinese words you know. None less than 800 800 -1500 1500 - 2500 2500 – 3500 above 3500 若参加过HSK考试,请说明通过的考试级别/HSK test level if you have taken this test: level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 level 6 level 7 level 8 |
本人简历/Curriculum vitae (可另附纸) |
我保证以上所填情况属实。I declare that the information I have given in this application is true and correct 我申请到西双版纳职业技术学院学习,在校学习期间保证做到下列各项: 1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律。 2. 不从事学习目的以外的活动。 3. 遵守学校的各项规章制度,努力学习。 4. 按时缴纳学校规定的学生应该缴纳的各项费用。 I am willing to study at Xishuangbanna Vocational & Technical College I pledge the following terms during my study: 1. I will abide by the laws of the People’s Republic of China. 2. I will not engage in activities bearing no relation to my academic pursuit in China. 3. I will study diligently and observe all rules and regulations of the College. 4. I will pay all expenses on time. Signature: Date: |
注意事项(notice): 本表除海外通讯地址和签名外请一律用中文填写 This form is required to be written in Chinese except postal address in home country and signature. |