Acceptance Letter ∣ 即将开启理工世界,你准备好了吗?
高考分数已经出炉, 不知道屏幕前的你们有考到理想的分数吗?在大家纠结犹豫该报哪所大学时, 广以已为即将到来的GTers准备好见面礼啦。
准备好了吗?我们将这把开启理工世界的钥匙交于你,期待与你相见,希望你在理工的世界里好好享受,在知识的海洋里无限畅游!Dream it,Do it!
After the GAOKAO result released, I am sure you are concerning about which university to apply. Maybe I can give you some help like seeing the acceptance letter.
You know what, gifts of GTIIT is well prepared for the coming GTers! Let's have a look!
First of all, let's take a look at the "license" for GTers!
GTIIT is the Chinese campus of Technion, a world-class university of science and technology. It symbolizes the convergence of China's "five pointed star" and Israel's "six-pointed star", which means the rotation of Israel Institute of technology's campus in China. The GTers who get the admission notice are like the key to open the cycle of study and exploration.
Unsealing this "magic book", the wheel of science and engineering drives scattered knowledge, and the knowledge of various areas flows in the ocean of knowledge.
Unfold the cover, you will see the acceptance letter. Congratulations to all GTers for obtaining the "license" to GTIIT!
Turn to the second page to open the mysterious world of science and technology - the wonderful map of GTIIT campus. This is also the place where GTers will live in the next four years.
Turn to the second page to open the mysterious world of science and technology - the wonderful map of GTIIT campus. This is also the place where GTers will live in the next four years.
Ah! Don’t forget the gifts for GTers~
This is a luggage tag which is convenient for GTers to carry.
Designer Xie said that the luggage tag series includes four colors: blue, which symbolizes the gene of Israel Institute of technology; red, which is the Chinese phoenix blossom; yellow, which is the local element of Shantou, and orange, which is the vitality of the campus. The combination of the four colors, the key to start the wheel of Guangdong Israel Institute of technology. At the same time, collecting all four colors can get the mysterious surprise (see the picture below)!
Students who have collected four luggage tags can go to the admissions office (or contact Janice: 13928461920) to get it together~
Are you ready?
We give you the key to open the world of science and technology, and look forward to meeting you. Wish you a great time in the world of science and technology, and the ocean of knowledge! Dream it, Do it!
Idea of the Acceptance Letter:GAA Propaganda Department
Gifts for new GTers: selection from GTIIT students
Text:GAA Hui Chunqi, Cao Ran, GTIIT Admissions Office
Photos: GTIIT News & Public Affairs